
dcOS uses Discords' slash commands, making it pretty easy for you to execute and use them. As the name already says, these commands uses slashes to declare. An example would be:

/example <argument1> <argument2>

In this documentation, the arguments will be explained, so you'll understand, what to enter there. All the arguments should be entered without the brackets ("<" and ">"), Discord already tells you where to put what.

Some commands also require specific permissions, this will be shown in an info bubble like this. You will need at least this or a higher permission, e.g. ADMINISTRATOR

You'll need the EXAMPLE permission in order to execute this command!

You will find these info (blue), warning (orange) or even attention bubbles (red) all around the documentation. Please read especially the red ones since not knowing what you're doing could have severe, irreversible consequences!


For some people, commands (especially the category moderation or any others that require moderation permissions) might not show up. This could be related to the server requiring 2FA (two factor authentification) for moderation. This means that the named commands will not show up or work, if you haven't enabled 2FA. This may vary from server to server since not everyone enabled the 2FA-moderation requirement.

For a guide on how to enable 2FA, check this Discord help-center post!

Last updated